 * Class collection of items. The elements may be of any type, the elements can be accessed by a key or index.
 * @member Terrasoft.core.collections
Ext.define("Terrasoft.core.collections.Collection", {
	extend: "Terrasoft.core.collections.BaseCollection",
	alternateClassName: "Terrasoft.Collection",

	mixins: {
		sortable: "Terrasoft.Sortable",
		filterable: "Terrasoft.Filterable"

  * Composite collection object
  * @private
  * @type {Ext.util.MixedCollection}
	collection: null,

  * Observable events.
  * @private
  * @type {String[]}
	observableEvents: [
  * @event add
  * Fires after adding an element to the collection, when called {@link #add}.
  * @param {Object} item Inserted item.
  * @param {Number} index Index.
  * @param {String} key Key.
  * @event remove
  * Fires after removing an item from the collection, when called {@link #remove}.
  * @param {Object} item Removed item.
  * @param {String} key Key.
  * @event dataLoaded
  * Fires after the collection is filled with data, when called {@link #loadAll}.
  * @param {Terrasoft.Collection} collection
  * @param {Array/Object/Terrasoft.Collection} items Added items
  * @event clear
  * Fires after the collection is cleaned, when called {@link #clear}.
  * @event move
  * Fires on move.
  * @param {Number} fromIndex Moving element index.
  * @param {Number} toIndex Destination index.
  * @param {String} fromKey Moving element key.
  * @event replace
  * Fires when item is replaced by another item.
  * @param {Object} removedItem Removed item.
  * @param {String} removedItemKey Removed item key.
  * @param {Object} insertedItem Inserted item.
  * @param {String} insertedItemKey Inserted item key.
  * @param {Number} index Item index.
  * @event changed
  * Fires when any item was added or removed, when called {@link #add}, {@link #remove} or {@link #loadAll}.
  * @param {Object} item Collection item.
  * @param {String} key Item key.

  * Creates a shallow copy of this collection
  * @return {Terrasoft.Collection} Copy of collection.
	clone: function () {
		var result = new this.self();
		result.collection = this.collection.clone();
		return result;

  * Extracts the key from an object.
  * @param {Object} o The object to get the key from.
  * @return {String} The key to use.
	getKey: null,

  * Sorts the collection by the comparator function, sorts the same instance of the collection
  * @param {Function} sortFn A comparator function that compares two elements. If the first element is greater,
  * the function should return 1 if the first element is less than -1, and if the elements are equal then 0.
  * @param {Mixed} sortFn.item1 First item.
  * @param {Mixed} sortFn.item2 Second item.
  * @param {Object} scope The scope of sortFn function.
	sortByFn: function (sortFn, scope) {
		this.collection.sortBy(sortFn.bind(scope || window));

  * Filter the collection by the filter function, return a new collection instance with the filtered elements.
  * The source collection does not change.
  * @param {Function} filterFn A filter function that checks the element and if the element satisfies the conditions
  * returns true otherwise false.
  * @param {Mixed} filterFn.item Item.
  * @param {String} filterFn.key Item key.
  * @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope of filterFn function.
  * @return {Terrasoft.Collection} Returns a new instance of the filtered collection.
	filterByFn: function (filterFn, scope) {
		var result = new this.self();
		result.collection = this.collection.filterBy(filterFn, scope);
		return result;

  * Returns the first item which passes a truth test.
  * @param {Function} fn Test function.
  * @param {Object} scope The scope of Fn function.
	findByFn: function (fn, scope) {
		var items = this.getItems();
		var result = _.find(items, fn, scope);
		return result;

  * Returns a new collection with each element being the result of the Fn function.
  * @param {Function} fn Converter function.
  * @param {Object} scope The scope of Fn function.
  * @return {Terrasoft.Collection}
	map: function (fn, scope) {
		var items = this.getItems();
		var result = new this.self();
		Terrasoft.each(items, function (item, key) {
			var newItem = fn.call(scope, item, key);
			result.add(key, newItem);
		}, this);
		return result;

  * Returns array with each element being the result of the Fn function.
  * @param {Function} fn Converter function.
  * @param {Object} scope The scope of Fn function.
  * @return {Array}
	mapArray: function (fn, scope) {
		var items = this.getItems();
		var result = [];
		Terrasoft.each(items, function (item, key) {
			var newItem = fn.call(scope, item, key);
		}, this);
		return result;

  * Checks index.
  * @private
  * @param {Number} index Index.
  * @throws {Terrasoft.ItemNotFoundException} If collection does not have items with index thorws exception.
	checkIndex: function (index) {
		if (index < 0 || index >= this.getCount()) {
			var message = Ext.String.format("{0} [{1}] {2}", Terrasoft.Resources.Collection.ItemWithIndex, index, Terrasoft.Resources.Collection.DoesNotExists);
			throw new Terrasoft.ItemNotFoundException({ message: message });

  * Handles replacement event of the current item.
  * @private
  * @param {Object} config Replace information.
  * @param {Mixed} config.removedItem Removed item.
  * @param {String} config.removedItemKey Removed item key.
  * @param {Mixed} config.insertedItem Inserted item.
  * @param {String} config.insertedItemKey Inserted item key.
  * @param {Number} config.index Item index.
	onReplaceItem: function (config) {
		if (this.fireEvent("replace", config) === false) {
		this.onCollectionRemove(config.removedItem, config.removedItemKey);
		this.onCollectionAdd(config.index, config.insertedItem, config.insertedItemKey);

  * Creates an instance of the collection
  * @param {Object} config Configuration object
  * @return {Terrasoft.Collection} Returns the created collection instance
	constructor: function () {
		this.addEvents.apply(this, this.observableEvents);
		var collection = this.collection = Ext.create("Ext.util.MixedCollection");
		collection.on("add", this.onCollectionAdd, this);
		collection.on("remove", this.onCollectionRemove, this);
		collection.on("clear", this.onCollectionClear, this);
		if (Ext.isFunction(this.getKey)) {
			this.collection.getKey = this.getKey;

  * The event handler for adding an item to the collection
  * @protected
  * @param {Number} index
  * @param {Mixed} item Added item
  * @param {String} key
	onCollectionAdd: function (index, item, key) {
		this.fireEvent("add", item, index, key);

  * The event handler for removing an item from the collection
  * @protected
  * @param {Mixed} item Deleted item
  * @param {String} key
	onCollectionRemove: function (item, key) {
		this.fireEvent("remove", item, key);

  * Cleanup event handler
  * @protected
	onCollectionClear: function () {

  * Move event handler.
  * @protected
  * @param {Number} fromIndex Moving element index.
  * @param {Number} toIndex Destination index.
  * @param {String} fromKey Moving element name.
	onCollectionMove: function (fromIndex, toIndex, fromKey) {
		this.fireEvent("move", fromIndex, toIndex, fromKey);

  * Checks whether the collection is empty
  * @override
  * @return {Boolean} Returns true if there is no element in the collection
  * false otherwise
	isEmpty: function () {
		return this.getCount() === 0;

  * Returns number of items in the collection.
  * @override
  * @return {Number} Number of items in the collection.
	getCount: function () {
		return this.collection.getCount();

  * Returns collection keys.
  * @return {Array} Returns collection keys array.
	getKeys: function () {
		return this.collection.keys;

  * Returns collection elements.
  * @return {Array} Returns collection elements array.
	getItems: function () {
		return this.collection.items;

  * Returns element by key.
  * @override
  * @throws {Terrasoft.ItemNotFoundException}
  * Throws an exception{@link Terrasoft.ItemNotFoundException} if element with such key not found.
  * For a safe receiving the item, use method {@link Terrasoft.Collection#find} or check with method {@link #contains}
  * @param {String} key Key
  * @return {} Collection element.
	get: function (key) {
		if (!this.contains(key)) {
			throw new Terrasoft.ItemNotFoundException({
				message: Terrasoft.Resources.Collection.ItemWithKey + " " + key + " " + Terrasoft.Resources.Collection.DoesNotExists
		return this.collection.getByKey(key);

  * Returns the element by index.
  * @override
  * @throws {Terrasoft.ItemNotFoundException}
  * Throws an exception {@link Terrasoft.ItemNotFoundException} if an element is not found for such an index.
  * To securely retrieve an item, use the {@link #find} method or check with
  * the {@link #contains} method
  * @return {} Collection item.
	getByIndex: function (index) {
		var item = this.findByIndex(index);
		if (!item) {
			var resources = Terrasoft.Resources.Collection;
			var message = resources.ItemWithIndex + " [" + index + "] " + resources.DoesNotExists;
			var error = new Terrasoft.ItemNotFoundException({ message: message });
			if (index === this.getCount()) {
			} else {
				throw error;
		return item;

  * Returns an element by index or null if the item is not found.
  * @param {Number} index Collection index.
  * @return {Mixed|null}
	findByIndex: function (index) {
		if (index < 0 || index >= this.getCount()) {
			return null;
		return this.collection.getAt(index);

  * Returns an item by key
  * @override
  * @param {String} key
  * @return {} Item
	find: function (key) {
		return this.collection.getByKey(key);

  * Returns an item by nested property value.
  * See also {@link Terrasoft.utils.object#findValueByPath}
  * @param {String} path Item properties name path delimited with dot.
  * @param {Object} value Value.
  * @return {Object} Item.
	findByPath: function (path, value) {
		return this.findByFn(function (item) {
			var itemValue = Terrasoft.findValueByPath(item, path);
			return _.isEqual(itemValue, value);
		}, this);

  * Returns an items by nested property value.
  * @param {String} path Item properties name path delimited with dot.
  * @param {Object} value Value.
  * @return {Terrasoft.Collection}
	filterByPath: function (path, value) {
		return this.filterByFn(function (item) {
			var itemValue = Terrasoft.findValueByPath(item, path);
			return _.isEqual(itemValue, value);
		}, this);

  * Returns an item by attribute value.
  * @param {String} attr Item attribute name.
  * @param {Object} value Value.
  * @return {Object} Item.
	findByAttr: function (attr, value) {
		return this.filterByFn(function (item) {
			return _.isEqual(item.get(attr), value);
		}, this).first();

  * Adds an item to the collection
  * @override
  * @param {String} key Key
  * @param {Object} item Item
  * @param {Number} [index] index for insertion, if not specified, it is ignored
  * @return {Object} Returns the added item
	add: function (key, item, index) {
		var collection = this.collection;
		var addedItem = Ext.isNumber(index) ? collection.insert(index, key, item) : collection.add(key, item);
		return addedItem;

  * Adds item to the collection if it not exists by the specified key.
  * @param {String} key Item key.
  * @param {Mixed} item Item.
  * @param {Number} [index] Optional, collection order index.
  * @return {} if item exists returns null, otherwise returns added item
	addIfNotExists: function (key, item, index) {
		if (this.contains(key)) {
			return null;
		return this.add(key, item, index);

  * Inserts the obj element at the specified index into the "index" collection
  * @param {Number} index
  * @param {String} key
  * @param {Mixed} obj Inserted element
	insert: function (index, key, obj) {
		return this.collection.insert(index, key, obj);

  * Returns the index of an item
  * @override
  * @param {Mixed} obj Item
  * @return {Number} Index
	indexOf: function (obj) {
		return this.collection.indexOf(obj);

  * Removes an item from the collection
  * @override
  * @param {Mixed} item
  * @return {} Returns the deleted item or false if nothing is deleted
	remove: function (item) {
		return this.removeByIndex(this.collection.indexOf(item));

  * Deletes an item by key
  * @override
  * @param {String} key
  * @return {} Returns the deleted item or false if nothing is deleted
	removeByKey: function (key) {
		return this.removeByIndex(this.collection.indexOfKey(key));

  * Deletes an item by index
  * @override
  * @param {Number} index
  * @return {} Returns the deleted item or false if nothing is deleted
	removeByIndex: function (index) {
		return this.collection.removeAt(index);

  * Checks if the specified key is in the collection
  * @override
  * @param {String} key
  * @return {Boolean} Returns true if such key exists, otherwise false
	contains: function (key) {
		return this.collection.containsKey(key);

  * Goes through the collection keys and executes Fn function for each key. Fn function should return true.
  * Returning False value from the function will stop executing the iteration.
  * @override
  * @param {Function} fn Function to execute.
  * @param {Mixed} fn.item Collection element.
  * @param {Number} fn.index Element index.
  * @param {Number} fn.len Number of elements in collection
  * @param {Object} scope (optional) Fn function execution context.
	each: function (fn, scope) {
		this.collection.each(fn, scope);

  * Goes async through the collection items and executes Fn function for each item.
  * @param {Function} fn Function to execute. Call in scope context.
  * @param {Function} callback Callback function, invoke after Fn function should be executed over each
  * collection item.
  * @param {Object} scope Callback function call context.
	eachAsync: function (fn, callback, scope) {
		var items = this.getItems();
		Terrasoft.eachAsync(items, fn, callback, scope);

  * Goes through the collection keys and executes Fn function for each key. Fn function should return true.
  * Returning False value from the function will stop executing the iteration.
  * @override
  * @param {Function} fn Function to execute.
  * @param {String} fn.key Element key.
  * @param {Mixed} fn.item Element.
  * @param {Number} fn.index Element index.
  * @param {Number} fn.len Number of elements in collection.
  * @param {Object} scope (optional) Fn function execution context.
	eachKey: function (fn, scope) {
		this.collection.eachKey(fn, scope);

  * Clears collection.
  * @override
	clear: function () {

  * Initiates filling data collection. When calling event is generated {@link #event-dataLoaded}.
  * @throws {Terrasoft.UnsupportedTypeException} If items is array.
  * @param {Object/Terrasoft.Collection} items Elements that will be initialized collection.
	loadAll: function (items, options) {
		if (Ext.isArray(items)) {
			throw new Terrasoft.UnsupportedTypeException({
				message: Terrasoft.Resources.Collection.ArrayUnsupportedInputType
		var collection = this.collection;
		try {
			if (items instanceof Terrasoft.Collection) {
				items.eachKey(function (key, item) {
					if (options && options.mode === "top") {
						collection.insert(0, key, item);
					} else {
						collection.add(key, item);
				}, this);
			} else {
				var newCollection = Ext.create("Terrasoft.Collection");
				Terrasoft.each(items, function (item, key) {
					newCollection.add(key, item);
				}, this);
				this.loadAll(newCollection, options);
		} finally {
		this.fireEvent("dataLoaded", this, items, options);

  * Moves elements in collection.
  * @param {Number} fromIndex Moved element index.
  * @param {Number} toIndex Destination index.
	move: function (fromIndex, toIndex) {
		var collection = this.collection;
		var removedItem = collection.getAt(fromIndex);
		var keys = this.getKeys();
		var removedItemKey = keys[fromIndex];
		collection.insert(toIndex, removedItemKey, removedItem);
		this.onCollectionMove(fromIndex, toIndex, removedItemKey);

  * Replaces item if it exists with another one.
  * @param {Mixed} itemToReplace Item that will be removed from collection.
  * @param {Mixed} newItem Item that will be inserted instead.
  * @param {String} [newItemKey] Key, if not defined the key will not be changed.
	replace: function (itemToReplace, newItem, newItemKey) {
		var collection = this.collection;
		var index = collection.indexOf(itemToReplace);
		if (index === -1) {
		var keys = this.getKeys();
		var removedItemKey = keys[index];
		var newKey = newItemKey || removedItemKey;
		collection.insert(index, newKey, newItem);
		var itemReplaceData = {
			removedItem: itemToReplace,
			removedItemKey: removedItemKey,
			insertedItem: newItem,
			insertedItemKey: newKey,
			index: index

  * Returns first element from search result. If no such element found or no search function passed - returns null.
  * @param {Function} filterFn Search function.
  * @param {Object} scope Filter function scope.
  * @returns {} Collection element.
	firstOrDefault: function (filterFn, scope) {
		return filterFn ? this.filterByFn(filterFn, scope).first() : this.first();

  * Produces the set difference of two collections by using the defaultEqualityFn to compare items
  * if no equalityFn passed.
  * @param collection {Terrasoft.Collection} Collection whose elements that also occur in the first collection
  * will cause those elements to be removed from the returned sequence.
  * @param equalityFn {Function} Equality function.
  * @param equalityFn.value1 {Object} First object to compare.
  * @param equalityFn.value2 {Object} Second object to compare.
  * @param equalityFn.key1 {Object} First key to compare.
  * @param equalityFn.key2 {Object} Second key to compare.
  * @param scope {Object} Equality function scope.
  * @returns {Terrasoft.Collection} A sequence that contains the set difference of the elements of two sequences.
	except: function (collection, equalityFn, scope) {
		equalityFn = equalityFn || this.defaultEqualityFn;
		var result = Ext.create("Terrasoft.Collection");
		var keys = this.getKeys();
		var items = this.getItems();
		items.forEach(function (value, index) {
			var currentKey = keys[index];
			var currentItem = items[index];
			var containsInExceptedCollection = collection.any(function (value, key) {
				return equalityFn.call(scope, currentItem, value, currentKey, key);
			}, this);
			if (!containsInExceptedCollection) {
				result.add(currentKey, currentItem);
		}, this);
		return result;

  * Default items equality function.
  * @private
  * @param value1 {Object} First object to compare.
  * @param value2 {Object} Second object to compare.
  * @param key1 {Object} First key to compare.
  * @param key2 {Object} Second key to compare.
  * @returns {boolean}
	defaultEqualityFn: function (value1, value2, key1, key2) {
		return key1 === key2 || value1 === value2;

  * Determines whether any element of a collection satisfies a condition.
  * @param predicate
  * @param scope
  * @returns {boolean}
	any: function (predicate, scope) {
		var keys = this.getKeys();
		var items = this.getItems();
		var result = items.some(function (value, index) {
			var key = keys[index];
			return predicate.call(scope, value, key);
		}, this);
		return result;

  * Projects each element of a collection into a new form.
  * @param selectFn {Function} Selection function.
  * @param selectFn.item {Object} Item value.
  * @param scope {Object} Selection fn scope.
  * @returns {Terrasoft.Collection} Collection selected.data
	select: function (selectFn, scope) {
		return this.selectKeyValue(function (value, key) {
			return {
				key: key,
				value: selectFn.call(scope, value)
		}, scope);

  * Projects each key value pair of a collection into a new form.
  * @param selectFn {Function} Selection function.
  * @param selectFn.value {Object} Item value.
  * @param selectFn.key {Object} Item key.
  * @param scope {Object} Selection fn scope.
  * @returns {Terrasoft.Collection} Collection selected.
	selectKeyValue: function (selectFn, scope) {
		var result = Ext.create("Terrasoft.Collection");
		var keys = this.getKeys();
		var items = this.getItems();
		items.forEach(function (value, index) {
			var key = keys[index];
			var newItem = selectFn.call(scope, value, key);
			result.add(newItem.key, newItem.value);
		}, this);
		return result;

  * Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the start of a collection.
  * @param takeCount {Number} Number of items to take.
  * @returns {Terrasoft.Collection} Collection taken.
	take: function (takeCount) {
		return this.getRange(0, takeCount);

  * Returns a specified number of elements from the start index of a collection.
  * @param startIndex {Number} Index at which range starts.
  * @param count {Number} The number of elements in the range.
  * @returns {Terrasoft.Collection} Collection with given range.
	getRange: function (startIndex, count) {
		var result = Ext.create("Terrasoft.Collection");
		var collectionCount = this.getCount();
		var endIndex = startIndex + count;
		if (endIndex > collectionCount) {
			endIndex = collectionCount;
		var keys = this.getKeys();
		var items = this.getItems();
		for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
			result.add(keys[i], items[i]);
		return result;

  * Returns first element.
  * @return {} Collection element.
	first: function () {
		return this.collection.first();

  * Returns last element.
  * @return {} Collection element.
	last: function () {
		return this.collection.last();

  * Reload collection data.
  * @param {Object/Terrasoft.Collection} items Elements that will be initialized collection.
	reloadAll: function (items) {
